Year 7

Careers and Enterprise curriculum overview for Year 7. 

Year 7

In Year 7 students are introduced to enterprise and careers activities in a number of ways and develop skills to help them think about managing a budget and working together as a team. In RPSE students work to develop a board game for commercial release and must think about their target market, budget, production process and how to work in a team to deliver the product. All pupils in Year 7 are introduced to the idea of a market and identifying customer needs through the launch of the Tenner Challenge by an outside speaker in assembly. Students who take part in the Tenner Challenge must design a product and then sell this to try and ensure they make a profit. 

All pupils at NHGS receive regular careers information and direction from their form tutors during conversation in form time. All students at NHGS receive up to date information on the local labour market through an assembly delivered by the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership.

There are lots of extra-curricular activities that allow students to develop their careers and enterprise knowledge and skills in Year 7. These include the CAD and CAM Club, creative writing, debating, sewing bee and Year 7 science club. All students in Year 7 also have the opportunity to take part in the First Bow production which helps develop their self-awareness and self-determination.