Special Educational Needs/ Disabilities Inclusion Award

What is SENDIA?

SENDIA provides a framework for us to deliver effective SEND and inclusive practices within the school; which will in turn generate high outcomes for students with SEND, in line with SEND Code of Practice and Ofsted.

What will it include?

  • Create a working group that will be made up of representatives from all groups with an interest in SEND education. (Staff, students, governors and parents). They will meet once a month to check progress and update the Stakeholders.
  • Self evaluation of the school centred on characteristics of the school, Ofsted rating and pupil anecdotes.
  • Creating an Action Plan and using EHC plans.
  • Visit from an assessor to verify that the objectives are met.

How will it help?

The award will help us develop high quality SEND provision throughout the school by:

  • Promoting awareness of SEND issues and inclusion for all staff, parents and governors.
  • Promoting awareness to all students, including those not on the SEND register.
  • Evaluating and improving classroom practices and interventions
  • Focussing on student outcomes.

What are out Targets?

  • Ensure Quality First Teaching for all students.
  • Ensure our school is FULLY inclusive.
  • Ensure all teachers use and participate in the graduated approach (Assess, plan, do, review).
  • Involve students and parents in all aspects of SEND.
  • Demonstrate that the school’s provisions for SEND are effective in achieving good outcomes for all attending NHGS.

Objectives of SENDIA

  • 1. The school demonstrates a commitment to achieving and maintaining the SEND Inclusion Award, including informing relevant stakeholders.
  • 2. The school’s SEND policy and practice is compliant with legislation and DfE guidance and promotes and inclusive ethos.
  • 3. There is a strong and effective leadership and management of SEND provision.
  • 4. Everyday teaching for pupils with SEND is good or better.
  • 5. There is an effective system for identifying pupils’ special educational needs.
  • 6.  Pupils are actively involved in decision-making about, and the delivery of, their own SEND provision/ support.
  • 7.  Parents are actively involved in decision-making about, the delivery of, their child’s SEND provision/ support.
  • 8. The school is committed to providing high quality, ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) on SEND.